Thursday, March 12, 2009

Squaw Lake Squawk

Oh, the weather has been nasty hasn't it? I was so worried that the bus wouldn't start yesterday that I got up early and went and started my bus then I thought well I just as well start the spare bus. I left both running to warm up nice. I came in and fixed the wood stove and thought I better check for messages and then found out that school had been canceled. So I was out in the cold for nothing.

This morning I could tell it was still really cold (I don't own a thermometer because it makes me feel colder when I see the tempature) so went out to start the buses and neither one would run. So had to call and get someone to make the route for me. I don't know for sure what happened but something happened to the drop cord. Had electric at the plugin but none at the end of the drop cord. On the other bus the mechanic thought the cord to the block heater has something wrong with it. This is not the way to start a day.

Ok, enough of my grumbling. Isn't the sunshine beautiful? It really makes a person feel good to see it. Really perks up the spirit. Maybe spring will come.

I went to Duluth yesterday with my new granddaughter to be Michelle and her family and friends. She is going to make one beautiful bride. The bridesmaids picked out a nice dress in red. One big hurdle has been accomplished. I really figured it would take a couple of trips to find a bride dress and bridesmaid dresses.

Now, Gram here needs to find something to wear. They said no to jeans and a shirt. This will be the hardest outfit to find because I'm not much of a dress up person. Thankfully, I have 4 months. In that time I should be able to find something comfortable that will pass the muster on how it looks. This is kind of uncharted territory for me. I did wear a dress outfit 13 years ago when the daughter got married. That was pure luck to find that outfit.

Don't forget the Perch Jerker's Contest on Saturday. There will be lots of fun for all and the weather is suppose to be great. Hope to see you there supporting the Fire Department.

Have a great day.

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