Monday, March 16, 2009

I think Spring is springing. I know that the water is pretty deep in the yard and where there isn't water there is mud. I've been wishing for this and hoping that we don't get anymore of the white stuff. I noticed that some of the willows along my road are getting close to pussy willow time.

Another sign of spring is that the swans have been sighted in the open water by Anchor Inn Bridge. Seems early to me but they must know what they are doing.I came by the Shogren Impoundment tonite and there is quite a bit of water on top of the ice.

Nice videos that were posted about St. Urho's parade. Maybe next year there will be more floats for this grand parade.

Don't forget The Sweetheart Dance is Saturday, March 21 at the Squaw Lake Community Center with music from The Pretenders and Friends, dance away from 7 to 11p. Cash bar. $6.00 to get in per person. A fun time for all ages.

The Chili Meal is Thursday, March 19 from 5 to the Community Center.

Wow, Squaw Lake is really doing alot of things this month. It's been a long winter so this will help bring in the nice spring weather.

Take care all and enjoy the nice weather while it lasts.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the opportunity to keep up on the news in SL. It's like visiting over coffee!
    The time & effort to post & edit is much appreciated. Kudos & kiitos! Bev Moon
