Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sunday Squawking

The weekend is almost over. Thank goodness. I made a flying trip to the cities on Thursday afternoon and stayed over until Friday. I went to my granddaughter Rochelle's fast pitch softball game. It was a good game. Rochelle pitched every other inning all night. She's only 10 but she is playing on the 12 year old team. It was a good night.

My granddaughter Brittany graduated from high school on Friday night. I was worried that graduation we would be sitting for a long time. With all most 300 for a graduating class we were only there for about an hour and half. They went through the process really fast. So by 10:00pm we were on our way north. We got home about 2 am.

Saturday was another work day here on the farm. We aren't getting enough rain so decided we had to start watering where we want the grass for the wedding. Even with watering it hasn't rained enough to help.

We worked on moving the items out of the brown garage and down to the small garage. I keep trying to throw stuff away but being a farm girl I hate to throw those old bolts, nuts etc away because I might need one some day. Of course on that day I probably won't be able to find them any way. Also, I think that being raised by parents that went through the depression I have picked up on how they used everything. My kids still laugh to this day about my Squaw Lake Tupperware. You know those margerine, sour cream, cottage cheese cartons etc that I use to put stuff in the fridge.

So as we were talking the other night about me having these containers of nuts, bolts, etc Art Mertes was giving me some grief on how I should of thrown this stuff out. Well those words are coming right back at him because tomorrow when I'm cleaning his shop guess what is going to be thrown out. Yup, you got it the numerous cans of misc. nuts, bolts. He said that the hardware store on the corner has everything you need and they are in bins you can actually find the size you need. Well, he doesn't even need to go to the hardware store because he has bins of new stuff in his shop. I have to admit that I didn't throw all these misc. stuff away. I did get rid of a few cans but not all. Maybe the next time we clean the garage. OR maybe I'll leave it for when I die and the kids can say "Why the h.... did Mom keep this stuff."

Saturday night Tom Kallio and Art Mertes brought over the grass rig from the fire department and we set off a brush pile that has been growing for over 8 years. It was quite the blaze for a while. It was still smoldering a little this morning but the last time I looked it was out. It is good to get that done.

Anyway we did get quite a bit of the garage cleaned. In two weeks the son in law is coming up with a trailer and we will move out the cabinets, fridges, etc in the garage and put on the trailer and park in the Quonset until we get the walls, ceiling and floors done. That will take a little while as we are doing some rewiring and then putting flat steel on the walls, painting the ceiling and figuring out what to put on the floors to seal them but so they aren't slippery if you walk in with wet boots. Should make a really nice kitchen/garage when we are done.

I felt kind of sorry for Randy on Saturday morning. I get the mowing done but I don't do the trim work with either the push mower or the weed whip so he did trim work for about 5 hours. Now if it doesn't rain on Monday I am going to roundup around the house and outbuildings so the grass doesn't grow right up to them. Should make for less trim work.

Today, Steph planted hostas and day lillies. I know she had 50 hostas and I'm thinking close to the same of day lillies and then she had some Iris also. The yard should look really nice in a few weeks time. Hopefully, it will rain tomorrow so I don't have to water BUT I did promise to water if it didn't. She really wanted to bring up some annuals and put in but with the frost we've been having she decided against it.

Today when I was out in the yard a humming bird flew by me and all of a sudden it landed on the ground in kind of a heap. I went over and picked it up before the dogs saw it. I held it in the palm of my hand for a little while and then it flew again and only went about 15 feet and down to the ground it went again. So I picked it up again and held it and Rochelle took a couple of pictures of it. After I had held it in my hand for a few minutes it decided to fly again and that time it flew off. I don't know if it was a baby one that had just left the nest or if it was cold but after I held it it seems to fly better.

Gee it feels like I should build a fire tonight. It is chilly in here. I probably will be lazy and just turn on the gas furnace.

I'm beginning to wonder if it will get warm enough to do the painting. I don't want to paint until it stays above 50 at night. I don't know anything about painting but I can't think it would be good to paint and then have it get cold at night before it gets completely hardened. Hopefully by the end of the month we can take on that project. I'm hoping only a couple of days and we will have it painted.

IF we get all the important things on my list done then I would like to try and put rocks around my house. I would like to build up around it with many different size rocks. I've always wanted to do this around the house but Jimmie wanted flower beds. He took care of them so I never said to much but I don't want flower beds I have to take care of.

I hope all of you had a good weekend. It was cool and the wind wanted to blow quite a bit but the kids at Take A Kid Fishing Day had great luck in fishing. Their fish were cleaned and cooked for them. Everyone had a great time.

Jeannie Frey and Nancy Langie got together on a project and made cement markers for all the graves that weren't marked in Rosie Cemetery.

If you have anything you'd like on the blog please let me know.

Have a great week.

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