Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wednesday News

Good morning everyone. It's 7am and I'm just about ready for work but forgot some things when I wrote last night.

I was visiting Arnie and Kathy Peterson on Saturday night and Arnie has about 12+ hummingbird feeders out and I don't know how many humming birds at one time the one feeder has 10 spots to eat from and everyone was filled and there were more birds flying around.

Yesterday, I was out by Steph's house and she has 5 feeders up that's so I don't have to refill during the week. After I forgot to water her plants one year and they died she hasn't trusted me since with watering or feeding the birds. haha I know how to get out of work. Anyway, I saw at least 6 at one time there so there must be an abundance of humming birds around. If you don't have a feeder out you should get one. They are amazing to watch.

Well it was 31 this morning with white frost everywhere. It sure would be nice if it would warm up enough to be able to open a window for sleeping at night. But I hate to have the window open and the electric blanket and the furnace running.

The Canada Geese are coming into the hay field. There is at least 65 of them. They have decided that the lawn is better than the hay field so now every day I have to go out and chase them off the lawn. Of course the dog thinks this is great because if she runs out in the field to chase them she gets in trouble but if I'm out there hollering at them she knows I will let her chase them until she gets out in the field and then she has to come back but she thinks it is fun. So far she doesn't bother them unless I am out there with her. If it wasn't for the fact I don't want her chasing stuff it would be nice if she harassed them enough they moved on to someone else's field. I'm sure the son in law wouldn't agree as he loves to hunt geese and usually the early goose hunt is pretty good here. Can you imagine the mess if I let them come into the yard. Boy wouldn't that be nice for the wedding.

Have a great day.

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