Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday squawk

Well another week has passed. The older I get the faster it seems to go and the less I get done for the day.

I was told today that some of you get up and check this when you have your morning coffee. I hope this finds you in good health.

The son-in-law did a little better this weekend duck hunting. They shot enough to bring a smile to his face anyway. I still think it tastes like fishy liver. Not a good combination in my opinion.

Today was a nice sunny day but I had such a headache and was tired that I didn't get a thing done outside like I should of. Last night was the firemen's dance and even tho I don't drink any alcohol since my stomach bypass I still felt like I had a hangover this morning. It must of been from the late night. We had a good crowd and alot were dancing. The music was good. It was also good and loud. Was a relief to walk into the back of the firehall by the trucks and have the door close and cut the loudness. Guess that shows that I'm getting old. haha.

It was a good fund raiser for the department but it couldn't of happened without all the support we get from our local businesses. Thank you all that read this. It was the support of everyone who came that make it a success also.

We have some nice tshirts, aprons and hats for sale yet so if anyone wants one let me know and I'll get them out to you. The tshirts have the maltese on the front with SLFD and on the back it says, "We protect the public from themselves." They are black. The aprons are green and have the word Sponser at the top with a dalmation in a firemen's hat and SLFD under that. These are very nice aprons. The hats are green and have a buck on the side of the hat. We also have some tshirts from last year which are dk. blue and say "Stay back 200 Feet" on the back.

Prices are Tshirst Small to xlarge for $20
2XL to 4XL for $25

Aprons are $20
Hats are $20

These would make a nice present for anyone.

Game report is pretty slow. There is one grouse on the driveway that I see and sometimes almost hit every day on the bus. However, all these hunters around here have yet to get a shot at it. This is one pretty smart grouse.

The boys were actually putting up a permanent deer stand today. They have only been hunting here for 13 years and have never made a stand that was warm to sit in. Now they actually have one done. Wonder how many years it will take to get another up. Someday I'm going to go sit in it for a while.

It was nice to see Evy Oja and Karin Beiers when they came over today. Karin was checking out what we had done to the farm. I got a big thumbs up. She did tell me however that she has been on Dale to clean up stuff around their place. I'm sure I'm not too high on his list at the moment for doing all this stuff. It is a joy to me to drive up the driveway and see everything looking so good.

We started to clean up the garage kitchen today for winter. We've been carrying things out there all late summer and fall and now we have to start carrying things back. We got all the canned items we've made this fall moved to the basement for safe storage. We have 2 pallets of stuff done. It always gives a nice feeling when you see everything done. I'm already starting a list of things I want to try that are new next year.

We did Pickled Beets, Bread & Butter Pickles, Pickled Crabapples, Crabapple jelly and butter, Regular apple butter, zucchini jam, pear jelly and jam, Mild jalapeno jelly, Hot Jalapeno jelly, Habanero jelly, Red pepper Jelly, Hot Hungarian Jelly, Pepper flake jelly, Carrot Cake jam, Pumpkin Pecan Butter, Carmel Apple Butter, Hot mixed pickles, Carmelized onion jam, High Bush Cranberry jelly, Sweet Relish, HOT HOT Pickled Peppers, Jalapeno Pickled Peppers, Plum jam and jelly, and dilly green beans. So this is the list of what will be in the Mini Max Flea Market next summer.

Well, 8 of the puppies have went to a new homes. I kept one that looked like my old dog Tippy, so we now have another Tippy. I'm not too sure about this puppy droppings however. I can't believe that I'm actually letting them in the house. Hopefully, he will become as good a dog as the old dog was.

I can't believe how much wood I've burnt already. It seems I have to have a fire each morning and night otherwise I'm cold. I did get it a little too hot tonight as both dogs were panting. I'm sure it will be one noisy night when I put the little dog in the kennel for the night. If the old dog starts her pacing at 3 in the morning I will be getting a kennel for her also.

Hope you all have a good week and I will try and write something more often. Take care and hope you're all in good health.


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