Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday Squawk

I hope everyone had a good weekend. Lots of work got done here. Got the tables at the flea market filled ready for the big opening on Friday, May 8th, 9am. Evy has lots of new things in there. There are some cool burls off trees made into bowls. I didn't have time to walk around and see what else is new. Hopefully I will have time this week to look around but I still have to put my products into 2 shops and I don't have all the stuff made yet. The big thing was getting the fishing boat motor started on the son in laws boat. It was almost a catastrophe when it didn't start right away.


May 8th, Mini Max Flea Market opens for the summer.

May 9th, Pancake breakfast at the Community Center from 7am to 11am.

I went to the Smelt fry put on by the Northome Fire Dept. on Sunday and it was a great meal. I will try and remember to put it on the blog next year to remind everyone about it. It looked like they had a good turnout and the food was excellent.

Cemetery cleanup at the Max Cemetery went really good. It is always nice to see old friends. The cleanup went well with so many hands to do the work and the potluck afterwards was appreciated by all. It is a time to catch up with friends and family that you haven't seen for a while. I met a nephew who I haven't seen since he was probably 5 and he's in his 20's now. Too bad we are all so busy in our own lives that the only time we get together is for funerals and cemetery cleanup.

Boy, it seems this month is already flying by. Soon it will be Memorial Day weekend and the beginning of summer. Only 17 days of school left. I know this but the kids on my bus haven't started counting down yet. Seems like when I was a kid I could tell you from about 45 days out.

Lots of deer, grouse and other birds I've been seeing on the bus route. Tonight I had 4 deer out on the field for over an hour. I haven't seen any fawns yet.

Well, it's been a long day so I'm off to bed. I hope you all have a great week in case I get too busy to write. Hopefully, this will be a busy weekend for all the businesses in Squaw Lake and surrounding areas.

Take care,

PS - If you have something you'd like to see on the blog drop me a line either in the comments or my email:


  1. Having a headline on your posts would help those of us using an rss feed to access them.

  2. Sorry, I will try and put a headline in the title from now on. Of course I had already wrote tonight before I looked to see if there were any comments. In tonights squawk is what is going on in Squaw Lake that I know of this weekend. Hope you have a great weekend.
