Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hi Again

Hi Folks,

Sorry the blog has been so quiet. I have seemed to run out of words the last couple of weeks and I haven't heard of much going on around the area. Of course if I left home more than to go to work I might of heard something.

I guess the wedding was the climax and after I seemed to run out of steam. I just couldn't get myself motivated to do much of anything. I hate it when it rains and is gloomy because I fight depression. I probably should just go and get a little white happy pill and take one a day but it goes against my grain that I can't be happy with all the things that are great in my life. So somedays I have these pity parties of one and I don't want to subject anyone to my fits of temper.

Anyway, the last few days have had lots of sunshine in them and I'm doing great. I made soap yesterday for the first time since March. I made 3 big batches and it was wonderful. Then I went out and started putting wood in the basement for winter. Today I worked and tomorrow I will put some more wood in before I go to a meeting and work in the afternoon.

This weekend Steph and I are making jelly, jam and pickled green beans. Last weekend we made Bread & Butter Pickles. It is wonderful working in my new kitchen in the garage. I will try and remember to take some pictures and post here so you can see how nice it is. If I repeat myself I'm sorry but I have that horrible disease of CRS and it seems to be getting worse. The kids just tell me Mom you've already told that one. Anyway, I have the big stove from the Squaw Lake School and a 3 section stainless steel sink, cupboards, a cold bar from subway that we have put a counter top on when we don't need it to keep things cold, a subway oven. We still need a few things like it would be nice to have a kitchen aid mixer out there and we still have to haul a few things out of our houses but hopefully by next year we will have the kitchen stuff out there so we don't have to steal from our houses to do everything we want in the garage kitchen.

The leaves are already starting to turn in places. The geese have started coming back into the field. We have about 50 or so each day. We've seen 2 does one with twins and the other has a single fawn. They still have some spots on them. Otherwise, not to much wildlife around here. Seen a few grouse but not alot of them.

I spent the day on Tuesday at an in-service for bus driving. It was one long day but I got over 2 dozen scrubbies crocheted while sitting there listening. At least this year they had a new movie for training. I've been going to these for over 20 years and have seen the same movie for training most years. Hard to believe that I've been driving bus for 37 years. I'm hauling children of kids I hauled back when I started.

I'll try and write more often but it just depends on if I know anything or not. Some days I'm like Sargent Schultz, "I know nothing".

Hope this finds all of you in good health and spirits.

Take care,

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