Saturday, September 12, 2009


It sure seems strange when the kids don't come up on the weekend. Pretty quiet around here. I cleaned up my summer kitchen today as next weekend Steph is bringing up beets to make pickled beets and I'm not sure what else she is bringing to get done. I was going to take some plum juice out of the freezer and make jelly but I got to lazy. Tomorrow I am going to make zucchini jam and carmelized onion jam.

It sure has been foggy in the mornings of late. Friday morning it was hard driving for a while as the fog was so thick.

I finally saw one deer in the Gratten area on Friday. I saw quite a few grouse on my afternoon bus run on Friday. The critters haven't been very plentiful this year. Maybe when things cool down some they will start showing themselves more.

I cut a couple batches of soap this morning. I need to make more soap but haven't figured out just where I'm going to fit that in right now

One of my pasttimes when I have the time is to look at the recipes in the old cookbooks I have. Tonight I found one that I'm going to have to try again. My mom used to make these when I was a kid. I made them for my kids when they were younger. Great to have on hand. Here's the recipe for:

Sliced Refrigerator Cookies
1 cup. shortening 1 tsp. cinnamon
2/3 cup brown sugar 1/2 tsp. salt
2/3 cup white sugar 3 cups sifted flour
2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 tsp. soda
1/2 to 1 cup chopped nuts 1 tsp. vanilla

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Combine shortening and sugars and cream well. Add beaten eggs and vanilla, blend well. Sift flour, cinnamon, salt and soda into the above mixture. Blend well. Add nuts and work in well. Shape into a roll 2 inch in width. Place in refrigerator overnight. Slice thin. Place on oiled baking sheet. Bake at 400 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes.

My m0m would have a batch of these frozen in the freezer and when unexpected company showed up she would take out a roll and in 15 minutes or so she could slice them and then she had fresh baked cookies for the company.

Have a great weekend.

Hope you are in good health and spirits.


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