Monday, September 7, 2009

It's been a busy weekend doing mostly fun things. Friday I spent the day driving around through the forest. I haven't taken the time to do that this year. Put on about 60 miles and hadn't seen one grouse when close to home saw 5. Saw a few ducks on some beaver ponds. Then in the evening took the four wheeler and went for a ride. It was a very relaxing day.

Saturday, the kids were up and had some friends with them and we went 4 wheeling again. The son in law took us to a beaver pond he wanted to check out and while we were there we had a picnic. The friends from the cities enjoyed it very much.

Sunday Steph cooked for all of us. It was a surprise for the people who had never had it before. We made Pig Slop. This is such a fun meal to put on. You cover your table with 3 or 4 layers of white paper. Then you start with a large pot and put in some chicken broth. You then add some cutup chicken breast, kielbasa or smoked sausage to the kettle, add some cut up rhutabaga, potato, carrots, onions and cook some more. At the very end at some 1/2 cobs of corn and finally 5 minutes before it is done add some shrimp to the pot. Just when the food is about done have everyone you've invited over to go to the sink and wash their hands very well. They will think you've lost it. Have them go to the table and stand back. You've drained the liquid off the kettle you have cooked everything in and then you dump the pot of food down the middle of the table. you then go around and offer them butter, ketsup, bq sauce and sour cream. The first thing everyone notices is that there is no silverware or plates on the table. Everyone eats with their fingers. If someone wants something that isn't in front of them who ever is closest to what they want grabs a handful and hands it to them. Steph has done this quite a few times and everyone has loved it except her father in law who I still think he thinks we are the most barbaric people he has ever met. Oh well you can't win them all.

Today they left for home early as school starts tomorrow. So after they left I made apple butter and pickled crab apples. I still have apple jelly to make this week but everything is coming along good as far as the canning is going.

I got the carrot cake jam made last week and it tastes just like carrot cake. However, my jam didn't look like the picture they showed of it. They must of taken the picture of the jam made with out the cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg in the jam because it was a light orange and we all know if you add these to your jams they turn a brown color. Anyway it is great on toast.

We also made pear butter and jelly this weekend. Lots of jams, jelly and butters have been made around here this fall. Pickled beets will be in a couple of weeks.

Well, school starts tomorrow so maybe I can get into the swing of writing a little oftener.

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