Friday, December 3, 2010

I can't believe it's been so long since I've blogged. It has been pretty hectic for me trying to get things done for the craft shows. I made two batches of jam this week for the craft sale, one was Rhubarb Strawberry and the other was crabapple butter. Last craft sale is tomorrow in Deer River. Hopefully it will be a good one.

Next on the list is clean up the house enough to walk through and get things ready for Santa's Mitten Maids. The elves have done all the shopping and it is up to me to get all the family names and children ages etc so that we make sure we have presents for every child in the family. We will be wrapping on the 16th instead of the 18th. Once Kathy and I have the toys sorted for each family then we know if we've bought enough batteries and the misc. stuff. We will be providing presents for about 115 children this year. Presents are given out with the Holiday food basket from Second Harvest Food Shelf.

After that is done then I rush around to make sure I've wrapped all the presents I've got hidden here and there. I've cut down on my list alot so really don't have much to do. Then I go to Steph's for Christmas. Hopefully this year it won't snow so the rest of the family can get there.

I bought one of those WII game things with the fitness board. Started doing it tonight and I think it could kill a person. Sometimes would like to tell the little person who is my trainer to stuff it. It is much better than trying to walk on a tread mill. I started out taking it easy so I will want to keep on doing it. I have to get rid of the spare tire around my middle. Shows what happens when people are so good to you and help you with your wood pile.

After the first of the year I need to get started on my soaps. My inventory is quite low and I have 6 new fragrances that I haven't soaped yet. I've also decided that the kitchen needs to be painted. I think the last time it was painted was when Steph graduated from high school. That was sometime in the early 90's, so it definately needs some fresh paint. So that is the plan. I'm hoping by telling all of you that I will actually get off my duff and do it.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

Take care,

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