Saturday, December 18, 2010

Here it is only a week til Christmas. I hope all of you are getting everything done you wanted done. I have been in a panic thinking I was leaving for the cities on Wednesday and how was I going to get everything done before then. Last night I looked at my school calendar and realized that school isn't out til Wednesday so I won't be leaving for the cities until Thursday. So I have gained an extra day so that will help now things don't look quite so bad.

Well we got the Santa's Mitten Maids presents all wrapped. We ended up with 135 children this year. Thank goodness for all the elves that turned out to help wrap. It sure makes the project alot easier with help. Kathy Peterson is already trying to find out when the stores open on the day after Christmas so she knows what time she has to be in town to do her mega shopping. She is lucky and has elves to help her on that day also. Lots of people seem to think that Kathy and I do the Mitten Maids single handed but we could not accomplish everything that gets done with out all the help we receive. People who knit and crochet hats and mittens, the ones that have a nice basement and allow us to store everything there, to the wrappers and last but not lease are the ones who donate money to make it possible for us to do this project. Without all of you there would be no Mitten Maids. Thank you very much for helping us to do this great project.

I must admit that I haven't done the Wii as faithfully as I should. It will be easier after Christmas then I won't have so much going on.

I'm hoping Rochelle will come up with me after Christmas. I want to clean all the shelves in the laundry room and it would be so much easier if I had a helper. I even tried to bribe her that if she came and helped that I would go snowmobiling in the afternoon with her. Hope it was enough of a bribe.

Well I had better get busy and finish what I have to get done today.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Very Blessed New Year

Take care,

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