Saturday, February 28, 2009

Nice Day

It looks like a nice day out today but the wind seems a little sharp. I see that the snowmobilers are thinking it is a great day to ride. I've seen a few out my window while I was cleaning this morning go by on the trail. Last night when I was on my bus run I saw that the trail up by Dora Lake had been groomed and looked pretty nice. I suppose there won't be too many more weekends for the snowmobilers.

Haven't heard anything on if the perch are biting.

Hard to believe that February is almost over. The year is already flying by fast.

Monday, March 2, 6pm - Squaw Lake Community Center there will be a meeting with Firewise of Itasca County for the purpose of getting contractors to help with the problem areas that showed up on the Firewise Evaluations that the fire departments went around and completed. Not sure what all is going to be discussed, but if you are a contractor, or you want to know more about the Firewise program stop in.

Just a reminder if you have items that you would like to have on our consignment auction let us know. Also, if you have items that you'd like to donate to the Fire Dept. let Julie know.

Have a great day.