Saturday, December 19, 2009


Hi Everyone,

Well, I've had my surgery and I'm home mending. Monday the staples and hopefully the tubes will come out and then I head to Steph's for Christmas.

I'm not used to this sitting around and not being able to lift over 10 pounds so I'm not getting much done.

I do have, thanks to my sister most of my presents wrapped. I know that job wasn't too heavy but I hate to wrap presents.

Will we have enough snow to have the sled dog races on January 9th? I hope so as we are having a soup and bread baking contest that day. Also, there will be things for the kids to do that day.

This morning I got all my Christmas cards I send out done and in the mail. I try to keep in touch once a year with the Missouri cousins and if someone sends me a card I try and send one back.

It seems wierd not to be driving the bus. I'm awake each morning when the driver comes to get the bus. Then sometimes I fall back asleep. I've been sleeping to much during the day because I don't want to sleep at night.

I haven't been cooking too much since coming home from the hospital. I did make a batch of fantasy fudge for a couple of gifts. Sure is different than when Jimmie was alive. We would make about 5 kinds of fudge, divinity, hard crack candy, nut goodie bars, chocolate covered cherries, peanut brittle and whatever other recipe I wanted to try besides lots of cookies. Now if I make a batch of fudge I'm considering it a great feat.

Guess with sitting at home I don't have much to say. I hope all of you have a Wonderful Christmas, Happy New Year and a year of good health and prosperity.

Take care,

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